What My Retreat Attendees Are Saying...
I recently finished completing the Virtual Seeking God Experience with Leah Kline. I would highly recommend this class to anyone that wants to deepen their relationship with God. Leah gives you lots of practical tools on how to do that. The class is chock full of valuable information that is easy to put into practice. I especially loved the songs I learned and the scripture meditation method. It was an invaluable class and I learned so much! I am so grateful to Leah and all the knowledge she so generously shares. It is making a huge difference in my life. Thank you Leah and God Bless You.
Lori Jo
I think the biggest benefit I recall at the very end thinking to myself that I really felt God's love for me as his child through that experience reading his word and praying and communicating with him all day long you know for many hours at a time and I think one of the biggest benefits also was just having many hours in his presence and being conscious of his presence. We're always in his presence but on a spiritual retreat you're very conscious of him and you're totally focused. There are not other distractions to occupy your mind so that is what I think for me was was the biggest benefit... I would encourage you to go. I think it's a great thing in your spiritual walk in your journey to experience a spiritual retreat. I don't think it's the same exact experience for everyone but I think it's always when you're communicating with the Lord. It's always positive. It's always something that strengthens you, encourages you, builds you up in your faith so I would definitely encourage [going on a retreat].
I was reminded of how much I love that feeling of awe and that reminder that... I'm not alone. I'm Not Alone. I didn't even realize that I was believing I was alone and that I was operating alone. I didn't even know I was doing that until I experienced the awe... trust you're not alone.
I would say don't overthink it, just don't overthink it, give yourself the gift of that time don't expect it to meet any agenda or to be a like a vacation, 'well we had to make sure we saw all these spots' or 'we did all these things' and not that kind of vacation anyway. It's not that kind Retreat and Leah's prayed over it I know and and just let the retreat unfold. Your experience is going to be different than anybody else is there even though you might be at the same places. This is about you and your relationship with Jesus and be able to just express yourself or receive it's really a chance to receive get out of your own way and receive and that's what I think I would tell somebody else is just give yourself that gift and don't plan it just let it happen all right.
...As I began to write, as I read scripture and then allow the Holy Spirit to speak to me to encourage me... whatever I needed it began to come through and your life is so busy that it's hard to stay still for long enough for us to be able to clear our mind and our Focus from so many other things when we're at home you can't do that. You look away and you see something that needs to be done and so when you're up there it was it and I was allowed to write and I'm not a big writer but it came to me and and what I wrote was meaningful and it flowed from scripture and it flowed for me and I'm sure it did for everybody else and so I think that was my biggest surprise again. I would certainly encourage anyone to go and just to step out in faith. Saying that you might say 'Oh, that's not really for me,' 'I'm too busy' or whatever but we are too busy and that's part of the problem and so to go and just in faith knowing that God is going to meet you and then to be able to carry that with you and know that it's not a one-time thing. Yeah just step out in faith and like I said to have [Leah] as a guide not telling us what to do, where to do, but how and I think that was just so helpful...
Don't miss the opportunity. It's easy to say, 'we're too busy' or 'we don't need it' or 'we'll do it later' but it's really a gift to yourself and you need it. Really, it's about stopping to reboot, refresh, sharpen your own saw so that you can go back out and and cut more wood rather than just continuing to cut wood with a dull saw which doesn't get very far...and then you're frustrated. You're just doing the same thing without that growth, without that calm, without that new insight. You come back a different person and of course that's what we're here for to continue to grow...
What My Health Coaching Clients Are Saying...
I have told many people about this testing, in hopes that they would try it…I’ve seen and felt 1st hand, that this works! Not just on me but on my family members. It’s convenient, easy, and proven by myself and many others…Remote testing has proven itself over and over to me.
- Glennie
I have enjoyed knowing Leah for over 3 years. She is an upbeat and energetic person who is committed to learning about improving her physical and spiritual health and sharing her learnings with others who are serious about theirs. I have learned so much from Leah through one-on-one conversations, her spiritual retreats and her Seeking God videos. If you have the opportunity to work with and get to know Leah, you will be blessed.
- Michele
Leah truly cares about her clients. She has a wealth of information and personalized her approach to my problems. We talked every other week and sometimes more if I needed extra help. It took some time to start to feel better, but Leah was always supportive and encouraging!
- Audrey
I have benefited greatly. Each time I’ve had physical problems I find that the testing pinpoints my problems and with the identified changes in nutrients my problems are dealt with. I’m amazed that the testing shows so many areas that my regular physicians don’t see.
- Frances
I have worked with Leah for 3 months trying to figure out why I felt so blah all the time. Her ability to discern what your body is doing and feeling using an electronic piece of equipment is nothing short of amazing. I have to admit I was skeptical at first, especially when I received the equipment in the mail. But I am thrilled to write this letter to hopefully speak to others who may be skeptical as well, to tell you that Leah is the real thing. In less than 3 months I was able to FEEL a difference in my body, my sleeping, my pain levels, and in my energy level while also learning a few things from the monthly one-on-one meetings we had while she taught me other ways to clean up my body and life. If you want to feel better, give her 3 months, you will, I promise you. Thank you, Leah, for helping me to feel better than I have in a very long time!!!
– Gayle
Praise for Leah's Books
Simple, Quick, Delicious
This book has 25 simple, quick, delicious recipes. I was delighted when I learned about it because I tend to gain weight when I eat the breads and starches I often crave. I don’t identify with gluten problems or with IBS necessarily, but her recipes are absolutely helpful and quick to prepare.
My favorite recipes so far are the hot and cold cereal recipes. I find it simple to substitute whatever kinds of nuts and seeds I have on hand when needed and to use either coconut flour that I might have on hand or coconut flakes or shredded coconut–the kind that is unsweetened and not hydrogenated. The organic or natural coconut is sweet and delicious all by itself and is very healthy!
… When I found Truly Gluten Free I found that it fit right in with the kinds of recipes I had come to love and it is sometimes simpler and easier to put together!
Great recipes!
By P.M.
As someone who has only recently been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I have been feeling pretty deprived of many of the foods I previously enjoyed. The recipes in this book go a very long way towards making feel better about this. There is a good selection of recipes and I particularly liked the Cherry and Almond Scones.
Anyone who needs to eat gluten free would enjoy these dishes.
Important Book
By R.
The author of Internal Wholeness has an easy way of explaining a very troublesome health problem, “Leaky Gut”. This is a must read for anyone that is either concerned about this or IBS. What I really like that using layman terms, she spells out how to eliminate this concern using natural cures. We all take too many prescription pills so the alternative medicine method is something we should take a hard look at and try for a a healthy and trouble free life. Thanks Leah.
Excellent book about healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
By D.E.
This is an excellent book about healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome the natural way. No drugs, no invasive treatment, you can use herbs and probiotics and other methods prescribed by the author such as enzymes, amino acids,and homeopathic remedies. These methods are proven, and they are not new, have been around for hundreds to thousands of years, except doctors and big pharma don’t usually point you to them because the money is just not there (and doctors need big pharma to fund their researches).
It’s an easy to understand, straight to the point guide, with very little fluff and all useful information.
Gut Rinsing
By D.R.
OK, it’s not a romantic page turner but if you are one of the millions of folks like me who suffer from various types of chronic intestinal distress, this book is a Godsend. But Ms. Kline takes us on a voyage of discovery.
She starts with a very well done explanation of the problem followed by a cogent 4 armed approach to tackling these issues.
Along with a great offense against the causes, Ms. Kline also teaches how to avoid the problems altogether with a great defense. I found out the role of Vitamins, Food Types, Bacteria and even Heavy Metals and there role in my problem.
The book was an eye opener and a great resource.
Natural digestive health and healing
By B.K.W.
Taking care of your digestive health holistically, rather than relying on prescriptive drugs. The author discusses four key factors for proper digestive health, including removing toxins, repairing the intestinal tract, as well as replacing and restoring digestive enzymes. It was particularly helpful to understand which strains of probiotics work best as well as which natural herbs and supplements are recommended. It is a well-researched and informative guide to healing IBS and digestive disorders.
Pacific Health Center
Natural Health Screening Inc.
PO Box 1126, Pinedale, AZ 85934-1126